Anne Jaeger is the “garden gal” on TV, Radio and in print.

Passion for Primroses
The Primrose, Homegrown in Oregon. Did you know that Oregon was once world famous for its primroses? We tend to think of primroses as a Victorian plant from England. After all, the Victorians really were the “prim-est” of the prim, well… besides the puritans. Anyway, the primrose was a pretty boring flower until 1638. That’s … Read More
What Price- Peonies?
Portland Tribune ColumnPriceless Peonies Anne Jaeger What’s the value of a flower? Sure, it depends on whom you ask. Some wouldn’t call flowers invaluable, and others could care less. So, whether that concept strikes you as priceless or pointless, you will still be shocked by the price tags on today’s peony flowers. When it comes to peonies, … Read More
Lookie-Lou’s Guide To Gardens
Portland Tribune ColumnThere’s Only One Springtime Portland Tribune “HOME” Springtime is a once a year celebration in the garden, and this year seems very different. The cherry, crabapple, lilac, dogwood and plum trees are so “poofy” they can hardly hold their flowers up. Have you noticed that every single branch is so covered with flowers it obscures … Read More
Cycles of Cyclamen
Home and Garden JournalAnne Jaeger Looking for something as pretty as an Easter egg to bring life to your holiday table? I’ve got just the thing. Who could top a shooting star? Okay, well, real shooting stars are little hard to get a hold of (what with that nasty space dust and all) so I’m going for the … Read More
January’s Flowers
Portland Tribune ColumnAnne Jaeger At first blush, January’s garden seems a quiet affair. Most of the perennials are resting and remain dormant until their big spring fling; the trees are in their birthday suits and summers excess is a distant memory. However, right under our noses, intermittent flecks of colorful blooms slowly unfurl under a winter … Read More
Daffodils to Fight Cancer
Portland Tribune ColumnAnne Jaeger What a sight to see Nikolette Harris light up with the gift of fresh daffodils. And heaven knows this little Beaverton girl deserves them. So much of Nikolette’s world must be a complete mystery. There is no explaining why a 10 year old would have to fight cancer twice in such a short … Read More
What Lived? After Cold Snap.
Portland Tribune ColumnAnne Jaeger Good news growing from the thawed tundra. There’s now even more evidence that Mother Nature protects herself from disaster. It’s surprising how many plants made it through the freeze. Here’s what I’ve got from my garden case file: Dormant Dahlias Not Dead *I’m happy to report that the dahlia tubers look fine. … Read More