Anne Jaeger is the “garden gal” on TV, Radio and in print.

Passion for Primroses
The Primrose, Homegrown in Oregon. Did you know that Oregon was once world famous for its primroses? We tend to think of primroses as a Victorian plant from England. After all, the Victorians really were the “prim-est” of the prim, well… besides the puritans. Anyway, the primrose was a pretty boring flower until 1638. That’s … Read More
Portland Tribune Tulips
Portland Tribune ColumnAnne Jaeger Keeping Cut Tulips Fresh Perhaps it’s a curse. Every time I see a tulip the irritating falsetto voice of the late Tiny Tim plays “Tip Toe through the Tulips” like a warped 8 track tape in my head. (Do you remember him and Miss Vicky on Laugh In and Johnny Carson’s Tonight … Read More
Portland Best Rose
Portland Tribune ColumnPortland’s Best Rose Anne Jaeger Sure they say “A rose is a rose is a rose” but not when it’s ‘Day Breaker.’ ‘Day Breaker’ is a deal breaker when it comes to roses. This rose has four inch yellow buds opening into sprays of flowers with shades of pink and then apricot. The flowers actually … Read More
Lily Satisfaction
Portland Tribune ColumnAnne Jaeger Lily Satisfaction Marilyn Monroe wanted desperately to be taken seriously as an actress. It wasn’t enough that she was gorgeous and had a natural knack for comedic timing. Some people are never satisfied with what they are. I wonder if the same holds true for plants. Do some plants dream of growing into … Read More
Great Tips From Gardeners
Portland Tribune ColumnAnne Jaeger Gardeners Tips: Sum’er Good , Sum’er not. Don’t you just love it when other gardeners share some of their timesaving tips with you? Good ideas are like money in the bank. You just can’t get enough. The best thing about a really good practical idea is that it costs practically nothing. Here are … Read More
Furniture Provenance HOME STORIES
Portland Tribune Column“The Provenance of Furniture” Anne Jaeger Portland Tribune “Home” “That piece just speaks to me!” Usually that statement refers to art, but some buyers won’t even consider a piece of furniture unless it really speaks to them.” Some of us are drawn to contemporary furniture, the kind of couches, chairs and accoutrements which allow us … Read More
Balcony Veggies
Portland Tribune ColumnPortland Tribune Even if you don’t have a pot to put a pea in, you will be surprised to learn you have enough space for a garden on your balcony, patio or outside your studio apartment window. Why not grow an “Edible Sunshine Theme Garden” in a container on your balcony? You’ll harvest cherry tomatoes, … Read More