My fancy (adorable) birdhouses go ignored. They hang up too high in the trees for garden visitors to notice and the birds turn up their noses at nesting inside. However, since I made “Movable Houses” all my birdhouses are strictly NO VACANCY! And everybody sees them in my potted planters or in a barren part of the garden where nothing looks cute at the moment. So, I came up with an idea to bring the houses out of the trees and down where we will ALL enjoy them. Easy to do.
You will need:
• Cute wood birdhouse
• Metal rod. (Home Depot has metal rods of all sizes in hobby section) I used 3/16th Steel Rods. I want the birdhouse legs to rust (providing a nice patina to blend into my garden.)
• Drill
• Drill bit (just a little larger than the size of your metal rod Drill holes (as deep as the drill bit will go) into all four corners of your birdhouse.
Try not to drill too close to the edges/corners to prevent the wood from splitting and breaking. Place the metal rods into the holes you’ve drilled. Call it done! Notes: You can glue the rods in if you’d like more stability. Sometimes I bend or bow out the legs a bit at the bottom (especially if the birdhouse is heavy) to even out the weight and make the house stand up straight.